MRI Second Opinion Report Online

With just a few clicks, we can offer you an accurate and thorough analysis of your MRI scan – all from the comfort of your own home. 

MRI Second Opinion Report

We Deliver The Best Value
EGP 500
  • Professional Report
  • 2-4 hours delivery
  • Comparing past studies
  • Recommendations included


We deliver same day reporting services within 2-4 hours


Our reports are written and verified by highly experienced and specialized consultants


Cost efficient service and affordable pricing for all patients

What We Do?

  • Exam Quality Check

    To guarantee the best outcomes, our experts check the quality of your scan images, technique used and they might recommend you to repeat the scan if it's quality is lower the the accepted diagnostic quality.

  • Writing Detailed & Professional Report

    Our expert consultants will read and interpret your MRI images and write a well structured and detailed MRI second opinion report for all findings

  • Comparing Past Studies

    If you have past studies of the same scan, we can compare between the two scans, it can make the diagnosis of any disease progression even better.

  • Recommendations for actions

    Our experts give recommendations for the next set of required actions or other scans to be done to get the best diagnostic results and treatment decisions

MRI Second Opinion Price


A second matters in a patient's life, We deliver a fast report so you can get back quickly to your physician


We provide a super accurate report so you can make more critical decisions with confidence


We provide an affordable service for everyone

MRI Second Opinion Report

We Deliver The Best Value
EGP 300
  • Professional Report
  • 2 hours delivery
  • Recommendations included
25% Discount

3 Simple & Easy Steps

Step 1

Upload Images

Upload Your medical imaging study and any other necessary clinical documents

Step 2


Click Add to card and proceed to checkoout and payment

Step 3

Get Report

We will deliver report directly to your inbox in PDF format

Step 1

Upload Your Personal DetailsYour Medical ImagesOther Necessary Documents

Step 2

Please Make sure you have completed step 1 successfully before proceeding with step 2

Click add to cart then proceed to checkout & payment

Have Any Problems?

We Offer Free Technical Support

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Phone: + 2 015 019 09 381
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Most frequent questions and answers

There are multiple reasons including:

  • If your treatment requests a critical procedure, you should make sure that you were diagnosed correctly by multiple radiologists who don’t know each other, so you can make an informed and accurate decision.
  • You might need a second opinion radiology report if you are unsure about the first report, if the first report is unclear, or if you want a second opinion on the findings. A second opinion can give you peace of mind and help you make decisions about your health.

One of our robust team of expert radiologists will be carefully assigned to your study, we have a +50 network of MD and board-certified radiologists who are well-trained and have been practicing radiology for +15 years at the biggest healthcare facilities globally.

After sending us the images, and completing your payment, you will receive your report in 2-4 hours.

You can buy our reporting service through simple and easy steps:

1- Visit the required service page.

2- Fill out the required information form & upload the study.

3- Proceed to payment after uploading your images to complete your order.

Yes, expert-i has a wide range of subspecialist consultants who can provide professional and accurate second-opinion reporting on all CT and MRI subspecialized scans including Neuroimaging, Musclosekeltal, abdominal, oncological, breast, and pediatric scans.


Our primary mission in Expert-i to make the right radiologist read the right scan at the right time to provide the best patient experience and improve the accuracy of health-related decisions.

When you fill out the form and upload your images, it depends on the connection speed you are working with, please make sure that you have a good speed connection to avoid any connectivity interruptions and upload all images in less time.

Images upload time also depends on the type of the study you upload, some studies have a large file size so it might take longer time than other studies.

We will send a double-checked and verified report directly to the e-mail address you used in buying our service.

We will send you this report in a PDF format, you can directly download it from your email attachment.

As we are strict to present the highest reporting quality, We accept digital images only in a Dicom format, please ask your hospital or imaging center to give you a digital copy of your scan on a USB drive or a CD.

Having a standard digital format for your images makes you have sustainable medical image quality and reproducible as well. ‘Unlike films or paper images, it may decay with time and have one copy only.

Please ask the facility where you performed the scan to give you another copy of your scan on a USB drive or a CD.

We don’t accept medical images taken by cameras or smartphones as it’s of low quality and not eligible for medical and diagnostic use.

Don’t share critical medical images through mobile cameras and Whatsapp, its resolution is not diagnostic and the radiologist might give you a compromised interpretation to your images.

If you couldn’t complete the uploading of images and receive a form submission success message, please contact us immediately and we can offer you free technical support to help you upload your images.

Please don’t proceed to the payment step until you complete the form submission step to avoid any unintended charge to your payment card.

If the images are not uploaded automatically for any reason, at this point we will offer free technical assistance. If the disk is damaged or corrupted or images could not be uploaded for ANY reason, your credit card will not be charged. At this point, you will have the option to request another copy of your disk, ask your facility to upload the images directly or send us the CD or films.